Community Outreach Strategies
One Critical Component of Program Development is Community Outreach. Without the proper Community Outreach, the most well thought out and best designed project plans could be delayed and incur increased costs. The importance of Community Outreach is to educate the community about the benefits of the project, and to solve any concerns that may arise. Your success in Community Outreach may be the decisive factor in determining whether or not your project or program gets off the ground.
Project Management Strategic Outreach
Client: A Bay Area Housing Authority
Project: Section 8 Homeownership Program
Background: In April 1999, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), issued a proposed rule for the Voucher Homeownership Program, authorizing Public Housing Authorities (PHA's) to allow low- income households receiving rental vouchers to apply their vouchers toward homeownership. By September 2000, the final rule was issued and PHA's were given specific guidelines and requirements for establishing their own “Voucher Homeownership” (VHO) programs.
Challenge: To develop an outreach program for the entire Housing Authority Portfolio. The Project Management Strategic Outreach included program planning and design, effective outreach materials, financing, pre and post homeownership counseling and assistance.
The Campaign: A mailing was done to every household within the Housing Authority jurisdiction to assess interest in the homeownership program. Housing Authority participants that were interested were asked to return a post paid card or call an 800 number to attend an informational workshop. At the informational workshop, an overview of the program was given, and for those who wanted to move forward an application was given. The returned completed applications were screened. Those households that were preliminarily approved were asked to attend a series of workshops, meet with approved lenders, real estate agents and city staff to identify appropriate mortgage loans and grant opportunities.
Impact: The Project Management Strategic Outreach campaign was implemented extensively and consistently. The first year 6 Housing Choice Voucher participants converted to homeownership. The Housing Authority has an additional waiting list of over 50 households wanting a homeownership opportunity.
Project Management Strategic Outreach
Client: A Bay Area Housing Authority
Project: Section 8 Homeownership Program
Background: In April 1999, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), issued a proposed rule for the Voucher Homeownership Program, authorizing Public Housing Authorities (PHA's) to allow low- income households receiving rental vouchers to apply their vouchers toward homeownership. By September 2000, the final rule was issued and PHA's were given specific guidelines and requirements for establishing their own “Voucher Homeownership” (VHO) programs.
Challenge: To develop an outreach program for the entire Housing Authority Portfolio. The Project Management Strategic Outreach included program planning and design, effective outreach materials, financing, pre and post homeownership counseling and assistance.
The Campaign: A mailing was done to every household within the Housing Authority jurisdiction to assess interest in the homeownership program. Housing Authority participants that were interested were asked to return a post paid card or call an 800 number to attend an informational workshop. At the informational workshop, an overview of the program was given, and for those who wanted to move forward an application was given. The returned completed applications were screened. Those households that were preliminarily approved were asked to attend a series of workshops, meet with approved lenders, real estate agents and city staff to identify appropriate mortgage loans and grant opportunities.
Impact: The Project Management Strategic Outreach campaign was implemented extensively and consistently. The first year 6 Housing Choice Voucher participants converted to homeownership. The Housing Authority has an additional waiting list of over 50 households wanting a homeownership opportunity.
Broad range of Community Outreach experience over 20 years, including Financial Institutions, Redevelopment Agencies, Municipalities, and Non Profits. Outstanding success in building comprehensive understanding and knowledge of community
issues. Has developed and implemented a wide range of initiatives and productive partnerships that have achieved desired outcomes throughout all sectors of targeted communities. Has been effective in achieving community
outreach objectives while building relationships within the communities served.
With Banking Institution
Community Reinvestment Officer for San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan
With Municipalities
City of Hayward CA Neighborhood Partnership Manager
Private Contracts for Program Development with Several Bay Area Municipalities
Major Accomplishments
With Redevelopment Agency
City of East Palo Alto Redevelopment Agency Project Coordinator
Major Accomplishment
With a Non-Profit Agency
Amazing Solutions - A civic initiative designed to provide services to low income and homeless seniors
With Banking Institution
Community Reinvestment Officer for San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan
- Implemented and Administered all aspects of the bank's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Compliance Program. (CRA is a United States federal law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to help meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, and to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low-income neighborhoods).
- Establishing participation, and maintaining relationships with faith based and community based organizations, as well as charitable and non-profit organizations
- Developing models to collect community concerns and feedback
- Bringing the community timely and accurate information, and to develop outreach models to collect community concerns and feedback from the community
- Conveyance of community feedback and concerns to appropriate Senior Management within the bank, and serving as catalyst for management's addressing of those concerns
- Development and implementation of programs to ensure Bank met the need of all communities within its service area
With Municipalities
City of Hayward CA Neighborhood Partnership Manager
- Development of and supporting of self sufficient neighborhood initiatives to supplement and complement the City services designed to preserve and enhance the appearance and livability of the City’s neighborhoods
- Planned, organized, and implemented neighborhood improvement activities
- Served as liaison between City programs, and the public agencies and community organizations in order to effectively coordinate the delivery of needed services and resource
- Key results achieved were having a community outreach
event that was attended by over 400 people, and the development of a tool
lending library
Private Contracts for Program Development with Several Bay Area Municipalities
Major Accomplishments
- Development of First Time Home Ownership programs
- Key results achieved were assisting well over 200 residents in buying their first home, and receiving recognition from HUD for Outstanding First Time Home Ownership Program Development.
- Development of Section 8 Voucher Conversion Program (converting Section 8 housing to home ownership)
- Development of Senior Home Repair programs
- Collaboration with community partners including non-profits, churches, community and financial institutions.
- Teaching and coordinating home buying classes
- Teaching and coordinating economic literacy classes
- Conducting outreach and publicity to make the community aware of the programs
With Redevelopment Agency
City of East Palo Alto Redevelopment Agency Project Coordinator
Major Accomplishment
- Responsible
for the IKEA retail development project coordination. This was the first major retail commercial development within the city.
- Outreach with all East Palo Alto residents and Community leaders
- Designing of outreach materials
- Door to door site walks and canvassing to insure that community issues were heard and addressed
- Managing the housing relocation
of individuals who were displaced because of the project
With a Non-Profit Agency
Amazing Solutions - A civic initiative designed to provide services to low income and homeless seniors
- Developed housing programs
- Developed Funding Sources and Wrote Grants
- Developed outreach materials to ensure needs were met within the community
- Development of outreach mechanisms
- Meeting with clients throughout the community of different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds
For more details on our Community Outreach Services: